GEM Automated Sales Tax Calculation
Are you properly charging sales tax on all products and services in each jurisdiction?
Automated sales tax determination
Sales tax determination for all oil and gas producing states. Your products and services are automatically determined based on current tax law.
Automated sales tax rates
Automated sales tax rates. Sale tax rates for all US states and Canada.
Monthly update of rules and rates
Every GEM Oil & Gas matrix product or service that is tax mapped is updated when a tax rule changes. Sales tax rates are updated monthly.
GEM Sales Tax Calculation
Lightweight entry, big service
Easy to get started. No implementation cost. No changes to your general ledger accounts. Big results.
Sales tax reports
GEM sales tax reports for oil and gas include state specific rules to reduce audit risk and penalties. Each report includes required content to file sales tax for each state.
GEM Accuracy Guarantee
GEM matrix mapping include GEM Accuracy Guarantee. If you are audited and a deficiency is found for a GEM mapped product or service GEM will pay for any penalties and interest.
GEM Sales Tax Calculation
Do you have a tax question for GEM? Great! Ask GEM a tax questions.